Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Channel the Force and Conquer Your Next Video Interview -

3. Block out distractions.Whether you’re trying to channel the Force or prepare for a video interview, distractions break your concentration not to mention, that of the interviewer’s. To maintain focus during your video interview, find a location that is quiet and free of any potential distractions, such as voices or a noisy pet in the background.Schedule your video interview for a day and time when you know you’ll face the least amount of interference. What’s more, by planning ahead, you can make the necessary preparations to have a friend watch your chatty chihuahua and put a “do not disturb” sign on your front door.Last, but certainly not least, avoid creating distractions for your interviewer. Busy backgrounds (e.g. messy bedroom) and clothing (e.g. loud stripes) can draw the attention away from you and your responses during the interview.4. Maintain eye contact.Eye contact is the key to a great interview, especially when that interview is via video. Maintaining eye contact with the interviewer conveys a greater sense of confidence in your abilities something every hiring manager looks for in a candidate.It might be tempting to look at the screen during your video interview after all, that’s where your interviewer is but fight the temptation. From the interviewer’s point of view, it will appear as though you’re looking down or away from the computer.Through plenty of practice sessions with friends or family, train yourself to look at the camera when you speak and have them point out when your eyes begin to wander.5. Stand out from the sea of clones.Unfortunately, it takes more than mastering the Jedi mind trick to land a job. You need to convince hiring managers that you are the candidate they’re looking for. But, in a sea of job seekers all boasting the same skills and qualifications, it can be difficult to stand out.To avoid being seen as a candidate clone, use the video interview to supplement your resume not reiterate it. Video interviews should be treated just like a traditional in-person interview, where you’re expected to explain and expand on the points featured on your resume. To further differentiate yourself from the masses, aim to provide answers that are unique to you and your experiences.In a one-way video interview, for instance, it can be easy to fall into giving the “expected” answers, as you have more time to mull over your response. But use this time to your advantage, and find a creative way to approach the question.What are some other ways job seekers can channel their inner Luke Skywalker to conquer their next video interview?

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